Iris | Education
Current PhDs
- On-chip fully digital architectures for real-time data processing in CMOS SPAD array sensors (Sohaib Abbasi)
- Integrated ML parallel digital architectures for the optimization of imaging and sensing IC devices (Maurizio Patrick De Marchi)
- Innovative detectors for THz/IR sensing and imaging systems (Abderrezak Boughedda)
- Ultra low power analog front-end architectures for Light Detection And Ranging (Arianna Morciano)
Graduated PhDs
- Development and characterization of multispectral imaging detectors and interfaces in CMOS technologies (Gabriele Quarta)
- Circuits for memristive devices (Olufemi Akindele Olumodeji)
- Design of Read-out Circuits for Silicon Photomultipliers (Hesong Xu)
- Design of a Terahertz Imaging Device (Muhammad Ali)
- Multispectral Terahertz Imaging in CMOS (Mostafa Kathib)
- SPAD-based CMOS Photodetectors for PET Applications (Leo Huf Campos Braga)
- Terahertz Sensors for Imaging Applications (Suzana Domingues)
- Design and Characterization of Advanced Analog Readout Circuits for SPAD Detectors (Ekaterina Panina)
- 3D Camera Based on Gain-Modulated CMOS Avalanche Photodiodes (Olga Shcherbakova, 04/2013)
- Ultra Low Power Stereo Vision System Using Custom CMOS Sensors (Nicola Cottini, 04/2012)
- Simulation and Characterization of Detectors for Gamma-Ray Applications and for Fluorescence Lifetime Spectroscopy (Michele Benetti, 04/2012)
- Ultra-Low-Power Wireless Camera Network Nodes Design and Performance Analysis (Leonardo Gasparini, 04/2011)
- Design and Characterization of a Current Assisted Photo Mixing Demodulator for TOF Based 3D CMOS Image Sensor (Quazi Delwar
- Hossain, 12/2010)
- Development of a Simulation Environment for the Analysis and the Optimal Design of Fluorescence Detectors Based on Single Photon Avalanche Diodes (Marina Popleteeva, 04/2010)
- 3DJAM: A Linear CMOS Sensor for 3D Vision with Merged i-TOF and OT Techniques (Francesco Ficorella, 2005/2006)
- Design and characterization of novel silicon photodetectors for 3D imaging applications (Lucio Pancheri, 2004/2005)