Summing a wide base of complementary competences, know-how and state-of-the-heart infrastructure we perform research in several areas of Material Science, Silicon Based devices, radiation detectors and imagers, photonics, bioscience and biotechnology, Quantum Technologies and energy systems.
Our research is driven by the curiosity for unravelling the potential of materials and semiconductors and of systems based on their combination. We exploit their characteristics to create the most advanced instruments for science and technology.
Our developments populate frontier science experiments and scientific missions promoted and realised by our partners or customers, like INFN, CERN, ESA, ASI, etc.
S&D maintains very high standards of research outputs, witnessed by a large number of high quality journal publications and solid international reputation.
Intellectual Property
Our research and innovation activities yield a number of invention disclosures, patent applications, and intellectual property rights. Our Intellectual Property portfolio covered by patents spans over the various R&I areas of FBK-SD (sensors, devices, energy, materials, bio-devices).