
Il Centro Sensors and Devices è dedicato alla ricerca e sviluppo nel campo dei sensori di radiazione, sistemi micro-elettromeccanici (MEMS) e altre piattaforme tecnologiche. La collaborazione continua e coordinata tra le unità del Centro, si riflette nella vasta produzione di pubblicazioni scientifiche.


Monolithically integrated SiON photonic circuit and silicon single-photon detectors for NIR-range operation

Fabio Acerbi; Martino Bernard; Bernhard Goll; Alberto Gola; Horst Zimmermann; Georg Pucker; Mher Ghulinyan

Published in Journal of Lightwave Technology (

doi: 10.1109/JLT.2023.3342031


Nowdays, integrating quantum functionalities into photonic integrated circuits (PICs) is attracting considerable attention. A major breakthrough would involve the monolithic integration on a compact CMOS-compatible silicon chip that simultaneously handles the generation, processing and detection of single photons. This paper presents a solution to integrate monolithically photonic architectures with photon detectors on the same fully CMOS compatible chip.


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