One of the pillars of FBK’s overall mission is education.
The mission of FBK-SD includes the dissemination of scientific culture and technical knowledge to the public, students at various career levels and technical training in sensor and device design and manufacturing.
To this purpose, SD has differnt levels of action:
High School
Several stages are managed directly by SD Research Units to promote scientific and technological competence to the students and to provide additional skills for entering the labour market. This activity is coordinated by a dedicated FBK project in collaboration with the local high school system.
University Internships and Theses
SD supports Undergraduate and Master Theses in collaboration with several Universities. The theses are supervised by researchers for a period for 3 / 9 months. For further information please write to [email protected]
FBK has an international PhD program designed to achieve an outstanding level, in collaboration with several national and international Universities. S&D supports ten new positions / year.
S&D researchers contribute to University courses in several fields:
- photonic
- nanotechnology
- detector technology
- surface science
- management of innovation