Custom Radiation Sensors | CRS
The CRS unit of the SD centre focuses on research and development of radiation sensors (electromagnetic radiation and ionizing particles) customized for the target application.
The unit has specific competences and fabrication capabilities for the following detection technologies:
- Silicon Photo Multiplier (SiPM)
- Silicon Drift Detector (SDD)
- planar Silicon Strip Detector and Silicon Pixel Detector
- Low Gain Avalanche Diode (LGAD)
- 3D Pixel detector
We design and fabricate detectors for many applications. Most of our activities are related to:
- High Energy Particles physics
- Astrophysics, space missions
- Â Analytical science (NDT, large experiments, …)
- Medical inspections/applications (radiology, PET, dosimetry )
We design, develop, test sensors as well as prototypes of complete systems covering the complete value
chain. For the fabrication we rely on the internal facility of FBK managed by the MNF unit, or for larger
productions on external foundries where we transfer the processes we develop.