Mher Ghulinyan
- Senior Researcher Integrated and Quantum Optics | IQO
Mher Ghulinyan is a senior researcher in the Integrated and Quantum Optics unit of the Centre for Sensors and Devices. Through research and thought-leadership, Mher contributes to the development of the centre’s capabilities in optical engineering and fabrication of different micro/nano-optical components and photonic integrated circuits. His interests are in resonator optics, with a particular focus on developments towards integrated Silicon-based Quantum Photonics and heterogeneously integrated active Silicon Photonics.
As a postdoc (2002 to 2006) at the University of Trento (Italy), Mher’s early-career research in Silicon Photonics – Optical superlattices (OSL) – paved the way to several first demonstrations of fundamental phenomena: photonic Bloch oscillations [PRL-2003, cover story] and resonant Zener tunneling [PRL-2005-a], Anderson localization of light and observation of optical necklaces [PRL-2005-b], vapor control of photonic bands and all-optical switching using capillary condensation [Nat.Photon.-2007].
For several years he has delivered the photonics course at the University of Trento. He is a senior member of the OSA, an active reviewer for NPG, APS and OSA, the author of one book, several book chapters, editor of one book, has more than 120 research papers, and is the inventor of 2 patents. He has participated in multiple European and national large-scale projects, and was coordinator of EPIQUS – Electronic-photonic integrated quantum simulator platform (No. 899368) and ATTRACT-INPEQUT (No. 777222), two EU H2020 projects.
- Integrated silicon micro- and nano-photonics
- Optical devices/systems
- Planar Lightwave Circuits
- Optical spectroscopy
- Semiconductor and dielectric optical materials characterisation techniques
- Senior Researcher, Integrated & Quantum Optics group, Sensors and Devices Centre, FBK, Present – 2019
- Researcher, Functional Materials and Photonic Systems, Centre for Materials and Microsystems, FBK, 2015 – 2018
- Researcher, Advanced Photonics & Photovoltaics, Centre for Materials and Microsystems, FBK, 2009 – 2014
- Researcher, Microtechnologies Lab.,Centre for Materials and Microsystems, FBK, 2006 – 2009
- Postdoc, Nanoscience Laboratory of Dept. Physics, University of Trento, 2004 – 2006
- Postdoc, Optical Spectroscopy Lab. of Dept. Physics, University of Trento, 2002 – 2004
- Postdoc, Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials & Devices, Radiophysics Dept., Yerevan State University, 1999 – 2002
Mher welcomes the opportunity to discuss co-supervising PhD candidates.
ASN qualification; abilitazione settore FIS 02/B1 – Experimental Matter Physics (assoc. prof level)
- Optical devices/systems
- Si photonics
- Quantum integrated photonics
- Planar Lightwave Circuits