Trento Welcomes Home the Photoluminescence of Rare Earths Workshop, PRE’24

Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Povo (Trento, Italy)
Via Sommarive 18
Povo (TN) - Italy
PRE’24 is the tenth event in the series of International Workshops covering a wide range of research topics concerning the properties and applications of rare-earth ions in optoelectronics and photonics. The series began in Trento, Italy in May 2005 (PRE’05), and has since been followed by PRE’07 again in Trento, PRE’10 in Firenze (Italy), PRE’12 in Kyoto (Japan), PRE’14 in San Sebastián (Spain), PRE’16 in Greenville (USA), PRE’17 in Rome (Italy), PRE’19 in Nice (France), and a dual event in 2022: PRE’22-Mexico and PRE’22-Poland.
Nineteen years later, PRE will come back to the venue where its past began, namely the city of Trento, in Northern Italy, seat of advanced research Institutes of the National Research Council (CNR), a prestigious University, and the top research organization FBK – Fondazione Bruno Kessler.
More than 1,000 scientists and students from over 30 countries, have attended the previous workshops. The average size of each event, around 100 people, makes for a collegial environment where students and world experts can mingle and talk in an informal and meaningful way.
Over the past decades, an increasing number of luminescent materials have been reported, based on the properties of rare earth ions embedded in different matrices (crystalline, amorphous, and glass ceramics; oxides, fluorides, chalcogenides, organics, etc….) or contained in molecular complexes. These materials have already been widely employed in light sources and amplifiers, optical displays, fluorescent probes, luminescent labels, frequency converters, detectors, and many other instruments, covering fields ranging from telecommunication to sensing, to medical diagnosis and energy. Despite the vast range of applications demand is increasing for novel functions to expand and further extend the practical applications of these unique materials.
Like the previous events, PRE’24 aims to provide material scientists, chemists, and physicists the opportunity to debate about the state of the art and the perspectives of photonic materials based on rare earth ions. We look forward to welcoming attendees to the PRE’24 Workshop 13-15 May 2024, Trento, Italy.
About the author
Alessandro Cian, Research Scientist for the Fondazione Bruno Kessler – Center for Sensors and Devices, Trento, Italy.
Contact T: +39 0461 314122 | E: [email protected]
For more information visit the following link: CNR IFN website