Young explorers of the Wonders of Science

The “Summer kids 2024” activity organised by the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) in cooperation with the Kaleidoscopio cooperative recently came to an end. During these two weeks of activities, the kids from FBK and Hub Innovazione Trentino (HIT) staff were able to explore the wonders of science in its most diverse aspects.
Thanks to the collaboration of researchers Elena Missale (MTSD) and Elia Scattolo (MNF), the children were able to enthusiastically approach the fascinating micro and nano world of nature. The young researchers accompanied the children on this journey, looking at nature first with optical microscopes and then in greater detail with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). In this way they were able to explore nature from very close up, discovering details of familiar objects that cannot be seen with the naked eye.
During the workshop, the children collected leaves, roots and flowers and examined them under a microscope to discover hidden details. They discovered how even in the simplest things, infinite complexity is hidden.
Using the tools of the Foundation’s laboratories, they captured and printed the most striking images, which they then used to create a “scientific” poster illustrating their discoveries, following in their parents’ footsteps.
This event, along with all the others in the Summer Kids program, was a perfect blend of creativity and science, a unique experience of hands-on learning for the children. It shows how places like the FBK, which might seem far-off, are actually closer and more accessible than we think.
About the author
Alessandro Cian, Research Scientist for FBK – Center for Sensors and Devices, Trento, Italy.
Contact T: +39 0461 314122 | E: acian AT fbk DOT eu