A first step on Silicon Carbide technologies for incoming projects at FBK
Silicon Carbide is a material gradually growing in interest in the technological framework.
Fondazione Bruno Kessler is adding capability on SiC for the incoming projects such as IPCEI ME/CNT and others. Therefore, the aim of the workshop is to acquire information from experts in that field as a first step in the knowledge of this cutting-edge technology platform.
Sala Stringa, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Povo, Trento 19/03/2024
9.00 – 9.10: Welcome and Introduction
(Prof. Richard Hall-Wilton Sensors and Devices Director, Dr. Antonino Picciotto Micro-Nano Facility
Tech. Process Supervisor)
9.10 – 9.30: Introduction of SiC electron devices: theory, basic notions, and difference between Si and SiC.
(Prof. Giuseppe Bertuccio, Politecnico di Milano, Como, Italy)
10 min of questions, comments, considerations with the expert.
9.40 – 10:20: Technologies and processes for manufacturing devices on SiC and GaN
(Dr. Claudio Lanzieri, Facility Responsible of Leonardo global Industry group, Rome, Italy)
10 min of questions, comments, considerations with the expert.
10.30 – 10.50: Coffee Break
10.50 – 11:30: Silicon Carbide: from growth to devices
(Dr. Massimo Camarda, Founder and CEO of ST-Lab, Catania, Italy)
10 min of questions, comments, considerations with the expert.
11.40 – 12:20: Silicon Carbide devices for particle and radiation detection (I)
(Dr. Marzio De Napoli, Senior Researcher at INFN-Catania, Italy)
10 min of questions, comments, considerations with the expert.
12.30 – 12:50: Silicon Carbide devices for particle and radiation detection (II)
(Prof. Giuseppe Bertuccio, Politecnico di Milano, Como, Italy)
10 min of questions, comments, considerations with the expert.
13:00 – 14:00: Lunch
14:00 – 15:00: Visit of MNF Facility
15:00 – 16:00: Closing Remarks
Organizing committee
A. Picciotto (SD-MNF)
R. Hall Wilton (SD Director)
L. Panato (Scientific Management Support)
Contact person
A.Picciotto/[email protected]