Educational seminars on microfabriaction techonologies

Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Povo (Trento, Italy)

Via Sommarive 18
Povo (TN) - Italy

Join us for a three day course hosted by the Micro Nano Facility on the fundamentals of standard microfabrication technologies.

This series of seminars is designed to provide a first introduction to the technologies available in the cleanrooms of the Center for Sensors and Devices.

New PhD students, researchers, technicians and technologists are welcome to attend.



The programme will be as follows:


13 May 2024 (Monday)

Sala Consiglio – Ground floor – West Building 


9:00-9.45 Oxidation and diffusion (A.Picciotto)

10.00-10.45 LPCVD and PECVD deposition (A.Picciotto)

11:00-11:45 Ion Implantation (A.Picciotto)


14:00-14:45 Dry etching (A.Nawaz)

15.00-15:45 Wet etching (A.Nawaz)


14 May 2024 (Tuesday)

Sala Consiglio – Ground floor – West Building


 9:00-9.45 Optical Lithography (A.Cian)

10.00-10.45 Electron Lithography (A.Cian)

11:00-11:45 Ion Lithography (A.Cian)


14:00-15.30 Ellipsometry / Scanning Electron microscopy.  (A.Samusenko)


 15 May 2024 (Wednesday)

Sala 211 – 2nd floor – North building


 9:00-9.45 Metal Sputtering (F.Mattedi)

10.00-10.45 Metals contamination for CMOS-like production line (D.Zanardo)


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